Find out all about Los Angeles climate and weather by season. The city has a temperate Mediterranean climate, mild all year round, with temperatures that don’t differ much between seasons. The average is 22°C all year round. You’ll find more detailed information below.

Los Angeles in winter

Winter in the city runs from December 21 to March 23, and is considered low season. The temperature ranges from 10°C to 20°C (it rarely goes below 5°C). What’s more, it’s the season when it rains the most (especially in December, January and February).

Therefore, for this time of year, you need to pack warmer and perhaps waterproof clothing (especially shoes). You should also have an umbrella or raincoat in your bag.

Because of the cold, take the opportunity to enjoy Los Angeles’ museums and shopping malls. And as it’s low season, prices and tourist traffic are much lower. It’s a good season for those looking for peace and quiet.

Winter day in Los Angeles

Los Angeles in spring

Spring in Los Angeles lasts from March to June and is already less cold than winter, although the temperatures are still low – ranging from 15°C to 25°C. So pack warm coats, pants and closed shoes for this season.

The city is beautiful at this time of year, more floral and colorful, and full of seasonal events. It’s worth visiting the beaches during the day and the indoor venues in the late afternoon and evening. Take the opportunity to visit, for example, the Walk of Fame, Rodeo Drive and Griffith Park.

Spring day in Los Angeles
  • Important tip: Los Angeles is a city with many tourist attractions, such as museums and tours. That’s why our tip is to always buy your tickets in advance. We buy everything on this website that has the best price.

Los Angeles in summer

Los Angeles in summer is wonderful: the weather is a little cool, but the sun shines and warms up the summer days, which run from June to September. At this time, temperatures are between 19°C and 29°C. The sun shines most days. So pack light clothes, as well as bikinis, hats, caps, dresses, skirts, shorts, etc.

This is high season, so local prices are a little more expensive (and tourist attractions more crowded). However, it’s a great time to go to the local beaches, take beautiful photos and even enjoy local events, such as the Gay Parade (in June) and Dine L.A Restaurant Week, a week that usually takes place in January and July, where you can go to more than 300 incredible restaurants at fixed, lower prices.

Summer day in Los Angeles

Los Angeles in the fall

In the fall, the days become sunnier and more orange. Los Angeles is quieter, with fewer tourists and temperatures ranging from 10°C to 20°C. As in summer, pack some light clothes, but also some pants and a jacket to wear in the evenings and on cooler days.

Take advantage of the fact that it hardly rains during this season and visit tourist attractions such as the Beverly Wilshire, the Farmer’s Market and Downtown Los Angeles.

Fall day in Los Angeles
  • Los Angeles is a city to visit at any time of year. Don’t be afraid to visit, whatever the weather.

Hurricane season in Los Angeles

Yes, there have been earthquakes and hurricanes in California throughout history. However, this shouldn’t be a cause for concern for tourists. There have been no natural disasters in the state for many years, and the most that can happen is a 2-3 point tremor (which is nothing serious).

If you have to go through a situation like this, look for places that have a roof and where there is no risk of items falling on you. And when you find a safe place, sit on the floor to avoid dizziness.

  • Important tip: to make the most of your trip to Los Angeles, staying in the best areas is essential. So, if you want, check out our article explaining the main areas, the hotels and how you can save a lot on accommodation.
Hurricane alert sign

Save money on your trip to Los Angeles:

Tickets: find out where to buy your Los Angeles tickets in the cheapest and safest way. You can save up to 40%!

Car: if you are thinking about renting one this is the best website. It compares the price at all rental companies and finds unbeatable prices. You can save up to 30%!

Mobile chip: we always use this chip. It’s electronic (eSIM), you install it instantly and you can use your cell phone’s Internet anywhere in the world.

Hotels: our article on where to stay in Los Angeles. You will find out the best areas, as well as tips on how to find the best hotels.

Travel insurance: medical care in another country is very expensive and it is extremely important to take out travel insurance for any trip abroad. This is the website we always take out our insurance on. Reliable and at a good price.

Transfer: do you need one from the airport to the hotel? Find out here how to book and for the lowest price!

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